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AI Needs Help

Category:Collaboration,Community,Connections,Creation Spaces,Decentralization,Emotions,Fear,Future,Growth

Everyone is talking about AI these days. AI is consuming our attention as we explore what the technology can do, while at the same time many are feeling feeling fear that the technology may be used to our detriment.

But the conversation is all about AI. There’s very little discussion about how we will need to change our society and economy to unleash the full potential of AI. This is a big white space that contains enormous opportunity, but only if we are ready to pursue the fundamental changes required.

There’s no doubt about it – AI is a powerful technology, but its full power will only manifest if we understand and are committed to pursue fundamental changes in our society and economy. What kinds of changes? I’ll briefly address three here:

  • New ways of learning
  • New ways of organizing and operating our institutions
  • New ways of governing our societies

New ways of learning

AI is a powerful tool for learning, but only if we embrace new ways of learning. Of course, AI can be helpful in traditional classrooms and training rooms, but these focus on transferring existing knowledge.

As I’ve recently written, the most powerful and necessary form of learning is learning in the form of creating new knowledge. More fundamentally, this requires a new way of learning that embraces play that is highly situated, cultivates networked imagination among groups of participants and draws out rapid iterations of action and reflection. This new way of learning cultivates a sense of agency and collaboration that is missing from traditional forms of learning.

Here’s the challenge. This form of learning is very different from the learning we are most familiar with, and we can be very afraid of venturing out into unknown and untried territory. Even more challenging, our existing institutions are wedded to the traditional form of learning and often turn hostile to this new form of learning – those in charge lose control as participants develop a deeper sense of their own agency and venture out into unexplored territories.

However, if we don’t embrace this new form of learning, we’ll never unleash the full potential of AI. This technology provides a powerful set of tools to support this new form of learning. And, to be clear, I’m not just talking about learning in schools or training programs, this is a form of learning that can help all of us to achieve more of our potential in all aspects of our lives.

New ways of organizing and operating our institutions

I’ve done a lot of research on the institutional model that governs all large institutions around the world – companies, schools, NGOs, and governments. I call this institutional model “scalable efficiency” – the way we organize and operate our institutions is driven by a goal of doing things faster and cheaper.

This institutional model defines work as tightly specified, highly standardized tasks that are performed reliably and efficiently throughout the organization. In order to define and execute these tasks, scalable efficiency mandates a hierarchical organization with roles and responsibilities clearly defined at all levels.

To unleash the full potential of AI, we’ll need to shift to a fundamentally different institutional model – scalable learning. This institutional model seeks to draw out the emotion of the passion of the explorer and cultivate a powerful set of human capabilities – curiosity, imagination, collaboration, creativity and reflection. Work is no longer defined as tightly specified, routine tasks – those will be done by machines. Humans will focus on identifying and addressing opportunities to create far more value for stakeholders. To do this, they will come together in a cellular structure of small groups – impact groups – that bring participants together who share a passion for increasing impact in specific domains.

AI will help these impact groups to create far more value by providing participants with tools to cultivate their human capabilities. The challenge is that the current scalable efficiency model is deeply hostile to the procedures and practices required for scalable learning, and the immune system and antibodies of these large institutions will quickly mobilize to crush any effort to shift to the scalable learning model.

New ways of organizing our societies

Over several centuries, we have seen our societies become more and more centralized. Highly centralized societies tend to diminish the potential for grassroots innovation and initiatives. People tend to become more passive.

We have also seen a continuing erosion of social venues that bring people together so they can form deeper and broader relationships. We are becoming more isolated and our trust in those who govern us is eroding.

To help cultivate a sense of agency among everyone, we need to shift towards more decentralized forms of social organization. We also need cultivate social venues that will help people build deeper and broader relationships with each other so that they can come together and scale their initiatives as they seek to take action.

But, once again, we need to recognize that our centralized societies are going to resist decentralization. This will not be an easy transition.

Bottom line

We need a powerful narrative to inspire people to take action and drive the changes that will be required to unleash the full potential of AI. As I have written in my study of narratives, this narrative needs to inspire people about the significant opportunity to be addressed, but it also must be clear about the barriers and obstacles that need to be overcome in order to address the opportunity. This leads to a call to action that will motivate people to come together and find ways to move beyond the barriers and obstacles.

AI can be a catalyst for enormous opportunities to restore our humanity and help us all to create far more value that is meaningful to all of us. But this won’t manifest on its own. We need to recognize that fundamental changes will be required in all aspects of our economy and society. Let’s come together to drive these changes and unleash to true potential of AI.

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(if you've read the book, click here)

My new book, The Journey Beyond Fear, starts with the observation that fear is becoming the dominant emotion for people around the world. While understandable, fear is also very limiting.


The book explores a variety of approaches we can pursue to cultivate emotions of hope and excitement that will help us to move forward despite fear and achieve more of our potential. You can order the book at Amazon.

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