The Archives: Previous Edge Perspective Blog Posts
Category:EdgesThe following blog posts are from the archives at
- On the Edge of a New Decade
- The Paradox of Leadership
- The Quest of Questions
- The Quest for Capabilities
- Expanding Our Horizons
- Business Models and Trust
- Learning and Strategy
- Narratives to Drive Exponential Learning
- The Paradox of Connection
- Infomediaries – A Significant Untapped Opportunity
- The Push and Pull of Paradox
- Expanding Our Horizons – Efficiently
- Zoom In Filters for High Impact
- Images Matter – Shaping Our Current Social and Political Discourse
- Small moves, smartly made
- Feel the Fear
- Institutional Innovation – I Have a Dream
- Questions for the New Year
- The Pull of Books
- The Threat and Opportunity of Lifelong Learning
- Gratitude for Spiritset
- Mindset and Heartset
- Ode to Trees
- The Journey Begins
- The Real Value of Labor
- Navigating From the Industrial Age to the Contextual Age
- True Transformation: From the Caterpillar to the Butterfly
- Re-Building Trust in Our Institutions
- Shaping Serendipity through Narrative
- Seeking Your Help – A Future for More Human Work
- The Paradoxical Power of Narrative
- Resolve To Do Your New Year’s Resolutions Differently
- Go Beyond the Christmas Stories to Find the Christmas
- The Hidden Dimension of the Learning Pyramid
- Never Under-Estimate the Immune System
- Mastering the Learning Pyramid
- Seeking Strategic Advantage? Break Down Walls and Cultivate Networks
- Measuring Your Real Net Worth
- Crafting Corporate Narratives: Zoom Out, Zoom In
- Where Are You Headed? What’s Your Narrative and Purpose?
- The Connection Between Narrative and Purpose
- Independence Day
- The Big Shift From Engagement to Passion
- Follow the Data to Find the Money
- Exploring Business Types and Business Models
- The Future of the Gig Economy
- The Big Shift in Platform Business Models
- Business Practice Redesign
- Make This the Best Year Ever
- United We Stand, Divided We Fall
- Flows, Fragility and Friction
- The Unmet Need for Trusted Talent Advisors
- Scaling Learning in an Exponential World
- What’s the Future of Jobs?
- The Demise of Advertising Business Models
- Robots Can Restore Our Humanity
- Optimism or Pessimism?
- Harnessing the True Potential of Internet of Things Technology
- The Big Shift in Business Models
- Where’s the Money? The Future of the Mobility Ecosystem
- Leave Those Resolutions Behind
- Catalyzing Passion through Strategy
- The Real Unemployment Innovation Challenge
- Drawing Inspiration From Independence Day
- Disruption by Trusted Advisors
- The Big Shift in Strategy – Part 2
- The Big Shift in Strategy – Part 1
- Companies and Movements
- Making a Movement: Narratives and Creation Spaces
- Shift Happens
- Platforms Are Not Created Equal: Harnessing the Full Potential of Platforms
- Where Do You Stand? The Shifting Ground of Strategy
- A 21st Century Global Declaration of Independence
- The Disruption Debate – What’s Missing?
- The Cumulative Power of Narrative
- Personal Narratives (The Sequel) – Unpacking and Tapping Into Potential
- Personal Narratives: Insight and Impact
- Expanding Horizons Through Corporate Narratives
- The Big Shift in Influence
- The Big Shift in Business Strategy
- What Is To Be Done (Part 3)
- What Is To Be Done? (Part 2)
- What Is To Be Done? (Part 1)
- The Dark Side of Technology
- Not So Grand Narratives
- Narrative and Passion
- Some Further Thoughts on Corporate Narratives
- The Untapped Potential of Corporate Narratives
- Strategy Made Simple – The 3 Core Strategy Questions
- Pivots and Portfolios: A Contrarian View
- Getting Stronger through Stress: Making Black Swans Work for You
- A Contrarian View on Resilience
- A Power of Pull Milestone
- The Paradox of Preparing for Change
- The Labor Day Manifesto Of the Passionate Creative Worker
- From Race Against the Machine to Race With the Machine
- The Rise of Vendor Relationship Management
- Exploring passion – what kind of passion do you have?
- Pull Platforms for Performance
- The evolution of design to amplify flow
- Finite and Infinite Games – Which Game Shall We Play in the New Year?
- Cognitive Biases in Times of Uncertainty
- A Welcome Call to Greatness
- Great Stagnation or Big Shift? The Answer Matters
- Resolving the Trust Paradox
- The Pull of Narrative – In Search of Persistent Context
- Anticipating the Next Wave of Experience Design
- Revolution from the Edge
- Reviewing “A New Culture of Learning”
- Betting on the LUSTI Nations
- Passion and Plasticity – The Neurobiology of Passion
- Alone Together – An Important New Book by Sherry Turkle
- Finding Stability at the Core of Change
- My Personal Passion Trajectory
- The Big Shift: Challenge and Opportunity for Women
- Passion and Wisdom
- 2010 Shift Index – Passion and Performance
- Reviewing “The Social Network” – Constructing Grand Narrative
- The Great Reset
- Passion and Flow
- Economic Recovery? Don’t Count On It.
- The Power of Pull Has Finally Arrived
- Passion and Reason
- Passion Versus Obsession
- Reinventing the Sacred
- Shifting Identities – From Consumer to Networked Creator
- Reshaping Relationships through Passion
- From Research Monographs to Story-Telling: New Forms of Communication in the Big Shift
- Relationships and Dynamics – Seeing Through New Lenses
- Challenging Mindsets: From Reverse Innovation to Innovation Blowback
- Pursuing Passion
- The Industry Sequel to the Shift Index
- A Labor Day Manifesto for a New World
- Defining the Big Shift
- Shift Happens Redux
- With Liberty and Talent for All
- Pareto Power and Leveraged Growth
- Pareto Paring – Achieving Strategic Cost Reduction
- Exploring New Forms of Economic Leverage
- Shaping Strategies
- Unbundling Dell’s Businesses
- The Bigger Consequences of the Big Sort
- Stupidity and the Internet
- Innovation on the Edge
- Shift Happens – The Future of Advertising
- The Service Economy Made Tangible
- Innovating on the Edge of Big Waves
- Fractal Spikes and Global Competition
- Restoring Balance in the New Year
- Institutional Innovation
- Convergence or Divergence?
- Tests for Customer Focused Companies
- Unanswered Questions at Supernova 2007
- The Power of Power Laws
- FAST Strategy and Learning
- Complacency and Web 2.0
- Magic and Fun with Emerging Technologies
- Blindness to the Deep Structures of Globalization
- Community 2.0
- Unsafe Harbors for Viacom and Google
- Wasting Talent
- Innovation and Talent in the Indian IT Industry
- Brokerage and Closure
- Difference and Friction
- Retailers and Customers
- Gaming and Learning
- Internet Strategy – Red Ocean or Blue Ocean?
- The Economics of Attention
- Attracting Talent in Spikes and Firms
- No Spike Is An Island
- Halloween Goblins
- Social Networks and Urbanization
- Offshoring and Healthcare
- Peace and Entrepreneurship
- BenQ and Siemens – Western Envy
- Misconceptions About China
- Langlois and the Vanishing Hand
- Mastering New Marketing Practices
- Innovation and the Competition for Talent in China and India
- The Long Tail and the Structure of the Media Industry
- Unbundling and Rebundling
- The Challenge of Growth
- Paying Attention
- Creation Nets
- Jane Jacobs and Cities
- SOA Versus Web 2.0?
- ABC and the Future of Media
- and the Return of Community
- Airlines and Cell Phones
- The Next Revolution in Interactions
- Quarterly Earnings Forecast
- Doc Searls and The Intention Economy
- Offshoring – The GE and McKinsey Connection
- The Real Significance of the Dubai Ports Controversy
- Hamel on Management Innovation
- Invention versus Innovation
- Reflections on Davos
- Disney, Pixar and Jobs
- Centennial
- Making Connections in Davos
- Zero-Sum Thinking
- Stock Buybacks – A Red Flag?
- Consumer Electronics Show – in Shanghai?
- B2B – Back to Bangalore
- Detroit – The Pressure Mounts
- Globalization and Diversity
- Ready for Web 3.0?
- Unbundling Time Warner
- Dubai – Global Talent Magnet
- Private Equity and Offshoring
- Dubai as Router for the World – Containers and Packets
- Drucker’s Gone
- Innovation and R&D
- Bra Blowback
- Symposium on Social Architecture
- Return on Attention and Infomediaries
- Ambient Findability
- From Push to Pull
- Delphi, Detroit and Dead-Ends
- The World Is Spiky
- Mary’s Back – The Internet, China and Bubbles
- Web 2.0 Redux
- What is Web 2.0?
- Attention on China
- Bootstrapping
- Rethinking Risk
- EBay and Skype
- Katrina and Institutional Resiliency
- Gladwell’s Cellular Church
- Onshore Manufacturing
- DIY Drugs
- Product Innovation and the Red Queen Effect
- JSB on NPR
- Patterns of Business Innovation in China and India
- Three Variations on Offshoring
- Silicon Valley’s Risky Complacency
- Confronting the Offshoring Challenge
- Beware “Berrybite” Blowback
- Renminbi Blowback
- Brands and Advisors
- Restoring the Power of Brands
- Tour de France – The Razor’s Edge
- Lean Consumption
- A Cautionary Spectacle
- Process Networks in Basic Research
- The Aphrodisiac of Attention
- Offshore Labor Markets
- The Power of Productivity
- Star Wars and Offshoring
- Unbundling Financial Supermarkets
- Wikis, Weblogs and RSS
- Cooperation and Competition
- Craft Manifesto
- The Burden of Choice
- Managing Critical Talent
- Social Network Analysis
- Goldhaber and Attention Economy
- European Backlash
- Diamonds and China
- Re-Making Ourselves
- Fab Labs
- Quality and the Long Tail
- FUSE and Search
- Sex cells
- Catholic Church – Under New Management
- Fragility of Globalization
- O’Reilly on Paradigm Shifts
- Process versus Practice
- Perspectives on The Only Sustainable Edge
- The Long Tail Goes Mainstream
- Scale and IT Services in Asia
- Hitchhiking through the Galaxy
- What, Me Worry?
- Flight of the Creative Class
- Remix at ETech
- More on cities
- Speaking of aggregation . . .
- Scale Doesn’t Scale
- Kotkin’s The City
- Disney, HP, Morgan
- Wolf on China and globalization
- Aging and Global Capital Markets
- Geoffrey Moore on Open Source
- Google Satellite Navigation
- The World is Flat
- The EPIC death of traditional media?
- Unbundling 7-Eleven
- Growth of the blogosphere
- The tagging debate continues
- Offshoring mistake
- PC Forum
- The Emerging Battle in Meta-Data
- Power of (Mis)Perception
- Outsourcing Innovation
- Podcast economic models
- Relationship Revolution
- Long Tails and Software
- Transitions – II
- Transitions – I
and, prior to that – my Viewpoints:
- From Push to Pull (October 16, 2005)
- Restoring the Power of Brands (July 12, 2005)
- Productive Friction A Key to Accelerating Business Innovation (March 22, 2005)
- Innovation Blowback (Jan 19, 2005)
- Capturing the Real Value from Offshoring (April 4, 2004)
- The Agile Dance of Architectures (Feb 4, 2004)
- Capital vs. Talent? Strategies for Maximizing the Value of Talent (October 22, 2003)’
- The Pitfalls of Early Web Services Adoption (July 16, 2003)
- FAST Strategy (May 20, 2003)
- IT Does Matter (May 15, 2003)
- Shifting Architectures – IT, Business and Iraq (April 3, 2003)
- Two Laws for Creating Wealth (Feb 3, 2003)
- When Will Tech Spending Revive? (Dec 26, 2002)
- Coping With Margin Squeeze (Nov 6, 2002)
- Loosely Coupled: A Term Worth Understanding (Oct.9, 2002)
- Restructuring the Enterprise (August 20, 2002)
- Where Will Web Services Be Deployed? – Part 2 (July 20, 2002)
- Where Will Web Services Be Deployed? – Part 1 (June 25, 2002)
- Lessons Learned: Martha Stewart vs. AOL! (June 1, 2002)