Exponential Potential
Category:Collaboration,Learning,Opportunity,PotentialWe’ve all been encouraged
“Achieve your full potential”
While offered with the best of intentions,
That limits our potential.
If we achieve our full potential
Is that all there is?
There’s so much more.
What if our potential
Is exponential?
What if we find that achieving
More of our potential
Unlocks even more of our potential?
What if we find that,
By connecting with others,
We create even more potential,
For all of us
Individually and collectively?
If we unleash this potential
It will soon go exponential
Without any end in sight.
But it will only remain potential
Unless we commit to act
To explore
The frontiers around us.
The sky is not the limit
And maybe the universe isn’t either.
The more we embrace our exponential potential,
The more motivated we will be
To act together
To pursue it
Regardless of the risk.
We all have a hunger
Deep inside us
To achieve more.
We need to feed
That hunger
And watch in awe
As we grow
Beyond any limits
We might have imagined.
1 Comment
win burke
May 2, 2020at 8:44 pmThomas Edison agreed with you. “We would astound ourselves if we knew what we were capable of.
and J Pierpont Morgan : Get wherever you are going as fast as you can so you can find out how much further you can go