Deloitte‘s John Hagel III speaks with Andrew Ysursa, Senior Manager, Strategic Planning, Salesforce, sharing research and perspectives on the economic implications of a world increasingly shaped by digital technology. In a world of mounting performance pressure, those who understand and aggressively pursue opportunities to create and capture economic value will the ones who benefit the most from the technology.


  1. Follow the money – it’s shifting
  2. Follow the data – it’s likely to move
  3. Data wants to be valuable

John Hagel III has nearly 35 years’ experience as a management consultant, author, speaker and entrepreneur. He currently serves as co-chairman of the Silicon Valley-based Deloitte LLP Center for the Edge. Before joining Deloitte, John was an independent consultant and writer and prior to that was a principal at McKinsey & Company. John has served as senior vice president of strategy at Atari, Inc., and is the founder of two Silicon Valley startups.



(if you've read the book, click here)

My new book, The Journey Beyond Fear, starts with the observation that fear is becoming the dominant emotion for people around the world. While understandable, fear is also very limiting.


The book explores a variety of approaches we can pursue to cultivate emotions of hope and excitement that will help us to move forward despite fear and achieve more of our potential. You can order the book at Amazon.

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